Marek Jandák
Marek Jandák works as a historian at the Institute for Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences. He is the author of the award-winning book Arménská genocida: Příčiny, průběh a osobní svědectví (1915-1922) [The Armenian Genocide: Causes, Course, and Personal Testimonies (1915-1922)] in 2018. This publication analyzes, among other things, Czech reflection on the violence against the Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire and the course of the genocide in the provincial towns of Harput and Mezreh (Elazığ). Marek Jandák is also a PhD candidate in Social History at Charles University. His doctoral thesis deals with the emergence of the Czechoslovak Republic, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and the Transcaucasian Federal Democratic Republic in 1918 as new multi-ethnic entities in an era dominated by the institution of the nation-state. Marek is also a member of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Violence, Trauma and Justice at Charles University.